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    媚眼激情夜 剧情|资料|动态

      摇滚明星布莱恩沃克的妻子惊讶于她的丈夫在派对上与浴室里的另一个女人唠叨。 布赖恩要求离婚,布莱恩聘请一家保安公司监视她,以证明她不忠,并有爱情。 保安人员格里菲斯在她的卧室里隐藏了一台相机,偷看尼基与她的爱人发生性关系,但他隐瞒了布莱恩的真相。 将保护尼基免受暴力的布莱恩和他们的爱情。 尼基得到了对阵布莱恩的限制令,有一天晚上他在家里摔坏了,威尔已经爱上了尼基,三次射杀了他。 Will因Brian死亡而被起诉,他发现Brian显然不对Nicky的侵略负责。 将调查并发现整个案件的真相。

      The rock star Brian Walker"s Wife is surprised by her husband shagging another woman in the bathroom in a party. Brian asks for divorce, and Brian hires a security company to spy on her to prove that she is unfaithful and has love affairs. The security guard Will Griffith hides a camera in her bedroom and peeps on Nicky having sex with her lover but he hides the truth from Brian. Will protects Nicky from the violent Brian and they have a love affair. Nicky gets a restraint order against Brian and one night he breaks in the house and Will, who has fallen in love with Nicky, kills him with three shots. Will is prosecuted for the death of Brian, and he finds that Brian apparently was not the responsible for the aggressions to Nicky. Will investigates and discovers the truth about the whole case.

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